
Wisdom words - Passion in what you do and Sadness of parting with someone close in family

Today, I have pleasure to see a Chief Operating Officer (COO) from a renowned Advisory Firm situated in Chinatown.

Booming with built and sturdiness, i observed he carried with him a Self -reflection Christian book in his hands.

Not to be mistaken by his huge status and figure, he is a guy full of soul and heart.. He left me with these words of wisdom.

"If a doctor is one who does not feel teary when announcing  the death of the loved one, do not engage him.

"Likewise, if an advisor were to attend a wake without feeling of crying, his services is not reliable too."

 This was briefly along the line of a loose translation of what he said, and I remembered he looked at me and asked if I understood...

I actually wanted to say  i... .. .. understood. Instead I choose to nod silently.

His name is none other than Mr Peter Teong.  He was the co-founder of an advisory Firm : Elpis Financial.

This guy's words keep me reflecting on my personal ...
My own dad had departed us on the uneventful day of 17 September 2010. His memory lived in the heart of us family members and his friends that had never die.

These days, whenever I saw Ambulances, I will still shook my head in dismay.

And I can't explained the numerous times where I just had to wake up in the middle of my sleep at mid hours of the night .. with thoughts of my dad distinctively, then for moments I had to adjust which was the reality and which was dreams...

I hoped the dreams were real, as it sometimes seemed like a minute ago... Because, then I could tell my dad how much I loved him and how much things I will like to do together with him and my brother when we all were around.

I hoped the dreams were real, as it sometimes seemed like a minute ago... Because, then I could tell my dad how much I loved him and how much things I will like to do together with him and my brother when we all were around. 

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This could well probably one of the last vivid living hardest memory in our family's hearts. Just last week. I went back to my parents' place to stay. The light bulb suddenly just got blown while my mum was using the bathroom. I rushed to get the problem fixed. But somehow there will be this tingling thoughts between us brothers :
" Why doesn't bulbs go burst when dad was around"

Perhaps, when dad was around, things got fixed pretty quickly and we were always living in confort and tend to take things slightly for granted.

So , for those who had living parents, really,,  do not take for granted.
Bring them out for a visit in other countries if they liked travelling;
Bring them for a good treat if they like to eat. For we never no the uncertainties in life.

Treasure whoever/whatever/whenever you had presently.
What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, Our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind.

Make the Hopes of Today become the Reality of Tomorrow. Start planning today. 

With warmest regards,
From the Heart of Patrick. I ❥ u all too.

PS:  Should you be interested to meet this great man, Mr Peter Teong I was telling you about, I will be most pleased to link him up. He is currently in the business of turning hopes into reality with the right financial and wealth planning available.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you'll always remember what you've written in this post.. Do talk to your mum when ever you have the time..
